Use our Sobriety Calculator today to celebrate your achievements and stay inspired.

Sobriety Date Calculator

Sobriety Date Calculator

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Take control of your journey towards sobriety with our Sobriety Calculator. By tracking the number of days, hours minutes and seconds you have been sober, you can see your progress and stay motivated on your path to a healthier, happier life.

comic bubble that says How many days have I been sober for?
A.I Robot looking at the sentence: calculate your sobriety"

"Today, I celebrate the person I've become because of my sobriety."

Celebrate your sobriety journey! With a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience it takes to overcome addiction because it features the date of your sobriety to proudly show off your accomplishment. This is also a great gift to show your support and encouragement to those who are just starting out on their own journey to sobriety.

proud sober anniversary quotes

“Today, I celebrate not only the passing of another year but the strength within me that grows with each sober step I take. Happy sober anniversary to me!”

“With each sober day that dawns, I am reminded of the power I possess to overcome any obstacle. Here’s to another year of clarity, growth, and triumph. Happy sober anniversary!”

“On this day, I proudly mark another year of choosing health, happiness, and sobriety. My journey is a testament to my resilience and the support that surrounds me. Cheers to my sober anniversary!”