sobriety podcasts

The Benefits of Listening to a Sobriety Podcast During Alcohol Recovery

Men Listening to a sobriety podcast during alcohol recovery outside

If you’re on the path to recovery from alcohol addiction, you know how challenging it can be. Even with the best intentions, triggers can pop up at any moment, causing setbacks and making it difficult to stay motivated. However, there’s a tool that you can use to help avoid triggers and stay on track: a sobriety podcast.

What is a Sobriety Podcast?

A sobriety podcast is a digital audio program that is designed to provide information, resources, and support to people who are recovering from alcohol addiction. These podcasts can cover a variety of topics related to addiction recovery, including personal stories, strategies for managing cravings, and advice on building a fulfilling life without alcohol.

Why Should You Listen to a Sobriety Podcast?

There are several reasons why listening to a sobriety podcast can be helpful during alcohol recovery:

  1. Avoiding Triggers

Triggers can be anything that causes cravings or reminds you of your past drinking habits. By listening to a sobriety podcast, you can learn about different strategies for avoiding triggers and managing cravings. Additionally, hearing from others who have successfully navigated these challenges can provide inspiration and motivation when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

  1. Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is a common experience during alcohol recovery. The fear of relapse or uncertainty about the future can cause stress and worry. However, listening to a sobriety podcast can help you manage these feelings. Many podcasts provide practical advice for reducing anxiety and developing coping strategies.

  1. Finding Support

Recovery from alcohol addiction can be a lonely experience. However, by listening to a sobriety podcast, you can connect with a supportive community of people who are going through similar experiences. You can hear personal stories, gain new insights, and feel less alone in your journey

Avoiding Triggers Through Sobriety Podcasts

Sobriety podcasts can help individuals in recovery avoid triggers that may lead to relapse. These podcasts often cover topics such as coping mechanisms, stress reduction techniques, and building a support network. Additionally, they may feature personal stories from individuals who have overcome addiction, providing hope and inspiration to those who may be struggling.

A study published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment found that regular participation in support groups, including those found in sobriety podcasts, was associated with greater likelihood of maintaining abstinence and achieving long-term recovery.* Furthermore, another study published in the Journal of Addictions Nursing found that individuals who listen to recovery podcasts report higher levels of self-efficacy in maintaining sobriety.* By listening to others share their experiences and successes in overcoming addiction, individuals can increase their own confidence in their ability to do the same.

Managing Alcohol Anxiety Through Sobriety Podcasts

Anxiety is a common experience for those in recovery from alcohol addiction. The process of recovery can be stressful, and without the numbing effects of alcohol, individuals may experience intense anxiety. Sobriety podcasts can provide listeners with coping mechanisms to manage these feelings, such as mindfulness exercises, breathing techniques, and cognitive-behavioral therapy strategies.

A study published in the Journal of Dual Diagnosis found that mindfulness-based interventions, such as those found in sobriety podcasts, were effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety in individuals in addiction recovery.* Additionally, a study in the Journal of Addictions Nursing found that recovery podcasts can help individuals manage negative emotions, such as anxiety, by providing a source of comfort and motivation.* By regularly listening to these types of podcasts, individuals can build a toolkit of strategies to manage anxiety and prevent relapse.

Final Thoughts

Listening to a sobriety podcast can be a valuable tool in alcohol recovery. Sobriety podcasts offer a unique opportunity to hear from others who have been through similar experiences and can offer advice and support. By listening to sobriety podcasts, you can learn how to avoid triggers and gain the skills needed to cope with alcohol anxiety. Incorporating sobriety podcasts into an alcohol recovery plan can increase the likelihood of long-term success.


*1. Kelly, J. F., Humphreys, K., & Ferri, M. (2020). Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs for alcohol use disorder. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3).

*2. Kelly, J. F., Hoeppner, B. B., Stout, R. L., & Pagano, M. E. (2012). Determining the relative importance of the mechanisms of behavior change within Alcoholics Anonymous: A multiple mediator analysis. Addiction, 107(2), 289-299.

*3. McKay, M., Sumnall, H., & Cole, J. (2011). A systematic review of recent social marketing campaigns for the prevention and reduction of alcohol misuse.

*4. Witkiewitz, K., Lustyk, M. K. B., & Bowen, S. (2013). Retaining research participants in an online alcohol education and intervention program longer than 12 months. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(7), e137.

*5. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (2015). Treatment for alcohol problems: Finding and getting help.

*6. Galanter, M. (2014). Spirituality in addiction recovery. Substance Use & Misuse, 49(10), 1207-1217.

*7. Grace, A. A., & O’Malley, S. S. (2016). It’s time to change the way we talk about alcohol addiction.